Friday, March 12, 2010

Move It

The move is off. At least for the weekend. I'm sure The Writer's mind will change again several times before this whole saga blows over.

Lucky for me, the change in plans came with an awkward conversation about The Writer's sex life with the Partner and whether it's feasible for them to have a roommate.

I nearly vomited several times.

On the bright side, The Writer is finally planning on making deadbeat Partner actually start paying instead of just living off The Writer.

Then, we went on a 3 hour long grocery shopping excursion. Thank God for weekends!


On a completely separate note. Last night I was driving behind this ridiculous truck complete with enormous confederate flag, Texas longhorn centerpiece, bumper sticker that read, "Never mess with Texas" or something of the like, and steel balls hanging off the trailer hitch. Upon getting closer, I realized that the license plate was, in fact, a New England license plate. Seriously?

oh, and sorry for the crap picture. It was dusk and I was driving!

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