Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Matt & Ingrid

I'm not feeling very bloggy today. It's too hot!

Today was my day off work, and I enjoyed every lovely minute of it, especially the ones spent sprawled outside by the water catching some rays!

I also realized today that in about 2 weeks I will be breaking the news to The Writer that I will be packing up and moving to Boston, so she'll need to find a replacement (or not). I am at once excited and slightly terrified. Every so often I have these horrible images of her flipping out and attacking me, or taking me hostage in her house.

This past weekend, I took my younger sister to see Ingrid Michaelson in concert. She was fabulously entertaining as I expected. Her concerts are full of jokes, sing-alongs, and hilarious covers like Britney Spears' "Toxic".
(Ingrid and her band)
Matt Morris, a guy I've never heard of, opened for her and I was pretty impressed. He has a fun, funky sound and was super sassy when singing! Now, I'll admit-I spent more time drooling over his fellow guitarist who was pretty sexy {at least in MY opinion:0)} than paying so much attention to Matt himself, but if you're looking for something new, definitely give him a listen!

Go here to check him out and get a free song!

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