Monday, March 28, 2011

Birthdays Galore

This time of year is choc-o-block full of birthdays, it's insane. Between friends and family I've got at least one, often 2 birthdays a week!

Now, don't get me wrong. I l-o-v-e birthdays. Celebrating people's birthdays it one of my favorite things to do. Seriously, a whole day to let someone know how special they are and that they are loved? What could be greater?

Still, my own birthday at the end of April comes at the very tail end of all the birthday hubbub and sometimes I feel like where all so exhausted, it's hard to get it together for one final hurrah. (well, sort of. I get pretty excited about my birthday, I can't lie. . .)

Amidst all this chaos, I got an invite for this past Friday to a dear friends birthday dinner party, and because I love her and cake making, I offered to bring the birthday cake! Immediately, my head was filled with overambitious projects I have neither the time, skill, nor tools to make a reality. Not to be deterred, I made due with what I had to make her a fun, spring themed cake. I had so much fun making it for her and I think she had just as much fun demolishing it :)

Here are some pics of the cake. Sorry if this post is a little braggy, but I'm pretty proud of this one (and it tasted pretty darn good as well!)

Oh, and speaking of birthdays. . .

This month my blog turned one year old! (yay) and today is it's 200th post-day! Can you believe it?  What fun this last year has been, I hope it continues for many more blog birthdays to come!

and also, it's my baby sis' birthday today. 
Happy Birthday, mon petit chou!

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