Wednesday, April 20, 2011

no cowboys, just elk

Horsetooth Reservoir in Fort Collins, Colorado

Early this morning I arrived back in rainy Boston after my trip to Colorado. I was lucky enough to spend 4 days hanging out with an old college roommate Sarah and her husband. There was so much beauty to see in CO, I was sorry to know that I wouldn't be able to come close to capturing it on camera. 

As such, I basically just gave up. I took what pictures I could and just enjoyed the rest through the lens of my own two eyes. 

My favorite part of the trip was just getting to catch up with a dear friend. We spend much of our time just chatting, catching each other up on our lives and going on glorious walks around their city. 

And let me tell you, the weather did not disappoint. I've never quite experienced weather like this before. The days were very warm and mild for the most part. The sun, however, was hotter than in the East Coast, but was tempered by cold spring winds whipping around. A trip to the mountains boasted moments of snow, rain, high winds, no wind, sun, and clouds all in the space of a few hours. My friends and I often laughed in the car as we opened and closed our windows over and over, regulating the ever fluctuating temperature. 

Thanks goodness for all those layers I packed!

Besides hanging out with friends, another thing I loved about the great state of Colorado was how dry it was. Or I should really say,  my hair loved how dry it was. Everyday after just a quick blow dry, it was in perfect form, no frizz, no stray hairs, it was amazing.

Oh, and let's not forget the delicious food! Trips to both a chocolate cafe and a French creperie in a gorgeous section of Fort Collins called Old Town proved fantastic as my friends and I noshed on chocolate torte, cheesecake, and a variety of sweet and savory crepes. 

All that delicious food was book-ended by browsing in some amazing fine art galleries in FoCo and lamenting over the fact that none of the pictures I managed to snap would look anything like these amazing photos and paintings. 

Well, look at that, we've come full circle. It's almost like I planned it. . .how funny. 

Oh yea, and I got [this] close to an elk! Eek!

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