I also had the Hallelujah Chorus ringing in my ears all day afterward. I even was singing it aloud at one point and had to cut it short when The Writer came upstairs. I know the drama is not actually over, but at least I know my hours of packing, albeit 2 months early, were not in vain!

SOO, back to beautiful things. I've decided to write about one of the things I find most beautiful. words. Not necessarily sentences, or string of words, but words themselves. I love the way they sound to me, the way certain words roll off my tongue. The way the letters feel as I swirl them onto a page. I love the way one misstep could create a completely different word, or that 2 words can be combined to mean something totally different than they would individually. I'm so thankful we live in a world of lovely, lovely words.
Here are some of my top words
lackadaisical, verboten, correlation, unctuous, jalopy, compunction, incidentally, duplicitous, stroganoff, persnickety, calibration, tomfoolery, rhetorical, scintillating, moratorium, juggernaut, rabblerouse, hootenanny, jerryrig.
Ok, I'll stop, but I could probably go on forEVER. Do you have a favorite word? Tell me! So I can start using it.
I go through phases where I just use a certain word or phrase all the time. And I particularly like using big words, again because I just love how they slip off my tongue and sit in the air just a little bit longer than other words.
And with that dear readers, I bid you goodnight and good morrow. And do me a favor, definitely try to use rabblerouse in a serious conversation tomorrow. It'll do your brain good.
P{ost}S{cript} I'll get back to the good ole Writer tomorrow. I know you miss all the crazy.
That is the coolest word collage. Did you make that? you have a nice blog. :)
I love you