Oh, what a tease am I? I promised you all some major crazy yesterday and couldn't deliver because I didn't work with The Writer on Thursday this week.
So sorry.
I arrived fresh from a day off and was hoping for a good day. Within minutes The Writer informed me that yesterday and this morning had basically been one long giant mental breakdown.
"Great," I thought, "here we go again. Another day of getting absolutely nothing done."
Boy was I right. In fact, at one point The Writer actually had a temper tantrum. Like, full-blown, I'm 50, but acting like I'm 3 temper tantrum.
There we are sitting at our desks when The Writer as is customary rolls over and commandeers my computer to show me something on Facebook. After ripping the mouse out of my hand and realizing that for some reason the right email wasn't popping up when they started typing, The Writer reached over and slammed their hands all over the keys, smacked the keyboard, rolled their chair violently across the room and made the most childish whiny noise I've ever heard come out of someone over 5.
Eek, that was a long sentence, hope you all got through that one alright!
My response to this tantrum. "OOK, lets just calm down." I then type in the proper e-mail, sign on and find the link The Writer wanted.
What I wished I could have said. "Let's calm down and stop acting like a child. God forbid you have to type 10 letters into a field and press enter." Then I would have stomped out of the room and left right then and there. Too bad I need to pay rent. And eat.
Isn't this bowl of avocados just lovely? Sure they're not very pretty on the outside, but you can just imagine all that green, smooth goodness inside. YUM!
So sorry.
I arrived fresh from a day off and was hoping for a good day. Within minutes The Writer informed me that yesterday and this morning had basically been one long giant mental breakdown.
"Great," I thought, "here we go again. Another day of getting absolutely nothing done."
Boy was I right. In fact, at one point The Writer actually had a temper tantrum. Like, full-blown, I'm 50, but acting like I'm 3 temper tantrum.
There we are sitting at our desks when The Writer as is customary rolls over and commandeers my computer to show me something on Facebook. After ripping the mouse out of my hand and realizing that for some reason the right email wasn't popping up when they started typing, The Writer reached over and slammed their hands all over the keys, smacked the keyboard, rolled their chair violently across the room and made the most childish whiny noise I've ever heard come out of someone over 5.
Eek, that was a long sentence, hope you all got through that one alright!
My response to this tantrum. "OOK, lets just calm down." I then type in the proper e-mail, sign on and find the link The Writer wanted.
What I wished I could have said. "Let's calm down and stop acting like a child. God forbid you have to type 10 letters into a field and press enter." Then I would have stomped out of the room and left right then and there. Too bad I need to pay rent. And eat.

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