Today, as I further reflecting on my trip while walking around a nearby reservoir, I was thinking of the fact that I never actually saw a bonafide cowboy whilst in Colorado. I guess I shouldn't really be surprised given that it's the 21st century and ranching isn't what it used to be. My friend pointed out some "modern day cowboys" to me while we were out for mexican one day at lunch. Basically, they were just wearing baggy jeans and sweatshirts but just a little more camouflage than the average person.
In the words of the fabulous Paula Cole, "Where is my John Wayne, where is his shiny gun?" Actually, scratch that. I'll take the John Wayne without the shiny gun. Although, maybe that would make him not really a cowboy. So conflicting, that. . .
What makes this dearth of cowboy sightings in the West funny, is the fact that when I was in Logan airport in Boston, I sat watching people deplaning after a flight from Salt Lake City. As the last few people cleared the plane, a man walked out. But not just any man. A cowboy. Complete with boots, tight jeans, tight T-shirt and cowboy hat. I tried to be discreet as I ogled him from my seat and tried to determine if I'd be able to snap his picture without being obvious. All while texting a friend about the situation.
I decided against sneaking his photo for a few reasons, mostly because it would have been pretty obvious and ridiculous. Apparently, though, if I want to meet some old fashioned, good lookin' cowboys, I need to head to Utah.
I think I know where my next vacation will be. . .anyone want to join? He might be there. . .
Well now is as good as time as any to become Mormon