Thursday, April 28, 2011

West, Lewis and other things that make Thursday great

1. Taking a break from adult fiction to read some childhood favorites. Namely one of The Happy Hollisters books. These were from my dad's childhood actually and he kept them around and I used to read them over and over as a child. I have a vivid memory of reading them and Nancy Drew out on the lawn in the summer with some cheeze-its for those reading munchies. 

2. Walking in a wind so strong that you can't hear or see straight, and you know you could go completely limp and you wouldn't fall, the wind would hold you up.

3. Discovering an old word that was somewhat popular in the '50s "gambol" and getting to use it the next day in a casual conversation

4. When you're reading some poetry and discover a line that is so beautiful and so perfect it actually makes you cry. Like this : "All this flashy rhetoric about loving you, I never had a selfless thought since I was born" Actually this whole  poem "As the Ruin Falls" by C.S. Lewis is breathtaking if you have a chance to read it.

5. This song on a muggy kind of day:

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