You know that moment when you start calling or sending someone a text? There's that split second after you press send where you panic and check to make sure that you're sending to the right person. Sometimes (hopefully not too often) you realize the worst case scenario is coming true: You are, in fact, not calling you're friend Jenn who wouldn't mind this interruption at 11 o'clock at night. You are calling the Jenn who was your roommate freshman year of college whose number you never removed from your phone and who you haven't spoken to in about 5 years. Eek! The frantic moment finds you alternately slamming the 'clear' and 'end' buttons praying to God that the call will end before it's begun, which only works about half the time (if you're me and have no idea how to operate your phone and therefore just press a lot of buttons while shrieking and hoping it hangs up).
My point here is not that I'm clearly out of control when making phone calls and should probably just never make them. My point is: I'm a phone number pack rat.
Are you?
No matter how many times I scroll past the 3 Lisa's I haven't talked to since, like, highschool and think I should erase them before something embarrassing happens, I don't.
Or what about the alarming number of 'Matts' in my phone? Even with last initial I have no idea who they might be, and I don't really want to find out through some text gone wrong when I'm really trying to text Mary but scroll down a little to far when searching her.
Thus, I recently decided to mend my pack rat ways. Now, as I scroll through my contacts, I try to delete someone who I don't know/can't remember/haven't spoken to in years and will never speak to again. And just this very morning, I almost texted someone else instead of my friend Virginia. But no more. They're gone from my phone. Dead to me, as it were.
But now, there's a whole new dilemma. What happens, when, in my zeal, I delete someone I do know. Of course, in the age of cell phones, no one knows any ones number so I'll be blindsided by a text from them, and then have to ask who they are, and know they're secretly hurt that we've been texting every day for the past 4 years and suddenly I seem to have forgotten they existed. Or worse yet, they have that moment of panic that they've texted the wrong person. Perhaps Brad from CA who you only met once and never spoke to again?? It's all too much!
Phew. Ok, I'm breathing. I'm done. The moral of the story: I should probably just be more careful about who I'm calling and texted. But seriously, does anyone else have this problem? or are you a phone number minimalist? Help!
so did you delete my #????? ;-)