Monday, January 3, 2011

A Negative

For the last few months, my good friend and roommate Becca has been experiment with different diets in order to help with her health. Recently, she's become  increasingly interested in this book and diet regimen called Eating Right for Your Type. The basic premise is that different blood types require different diet and exercise styles to maximize healthy living and healthy body weight. I'm still somewhat skeptical and haven't done enough personal research to espouse any of the beliefs laid out in the book, but believe me, anything that promises shedding some pounds is always something I'm interested in! On that note, my own interest has been piqued.

There has just been one little, teeny tiny problem: I happen to be part of what I suspect to be a large group of people who don't actually know their blood type. eek!

Thus, I jumped on the chance to figure out my own blood type when Becca announced this evening that she had a blood type testing kit lying around. Also, the promise of pricking my own finger was somewhat seductive. I'm not one of those people who shies away from needles or blood, and have always thought it would be fun!

And so the blood testing commenced. It was a little more involved than I expected as you had to use these little stick things and get four drops of blood without smearing them on your fingertip. Stirring and turning and counter clockwise and counter-counterclockwise turning were then required to swirl or shake the blood thoroughly around the test circles. 

I thought there would be a little more mystery involved, but it became immediately clear that I was blood type A Negative. How fun! I immediately wished there were other people and other kits around to test their blood type. I feel like it could be kind of addicting. Like those blow up sponges you get and put in water and watch them grow. or eating Nutella. 

So what I'm really saying is. . .if you don't know your blood type, you should get a test kit. And then  
call me


  1. also, if you actually did it right, you are even more of a freak because I think only 3-4% of the world's population has A-

  2. haha seriously? OMG I hope I'm right that would be amazing!

  3. you should start donating blood.
