"If you're tempted to handle your stress by smoking or drinking alcohol, experts say don't."
I read this sentence in an article at work, and immediately died laughing. I mean, what kind of sentence is this? This statement is so obvious that I wondered, did they really need to say "experts say." Did experts actually say this? Or did the person writing the article just think this and insert the bit about experts to give it more validity.
It sort of got me thinking that if this is the kind of stuff journalists are looking for, couldn't I be an expert of some sort. Surely, it can't be that hard to go around making statements like,
"If you're trying to save money, you should stop spending so much each month"
"If you're too hot with the thermostat at 80, think about turning it down."
All people would have to do when quoting me is slap that nice little expression on the end there.
"experts say" and wham. There you have it. If the experts say it, it must be true.
I guess what I'm saying is, I think I probably have just as much expertise as these experts, so if you ever have a need for an expert, or a need to quote an expert, I'd be happy to oblige.
Because people always think something sounds more valid if it comes from an expert, experts say.
I wonder what experts would say about this blog (besides myself, clearly). Probably that it's great. And if you want a good laugh you should read it.
No, I'm not being conceited, I'm just telling you what some experts say.
I've used one word in this post 13 times, can you guess which one? Using a word more than a dozen times in quick succession tends to get a little repetitive. At least, that's what the ex--yea, yea. you know the drill. . .
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