Friday, November 12, 2010

T crush

**Pardon me while I revert back to my 14 year old self for this post. I, of course, don't normally write about such trivial things (hah hah) but I felt that this particular situation called for a blog post.

If you count up all the hours that I spend on the T each week commuting to and from work, it's about 7 hours, not including the extras on nights and weekends! Naturally, us commuters often see each other on the same T over and over again as we schlep to and from work every day around 8AM and 5PM. We don't show any signs of recognizing one another. No, that would be far to personable and intimate for a New England city dweller. This does, however, provide the perfect opportunity for a T crush

You're probably telling yourself that I'm ridiculous right now, and maybe I am, but lets be honest: you know you have a  _______ crush. Fill in the blank: Laundry mat, bus, newstand, Trader Joe's. 

You have no real interest in meeting them because that would shatter the illusion and you maybe already be involved with someone else. Be that as it may, your heart quickens at the sight of this person throwing softener in with their tighty whiteys or debating over organic whole wheat pasta or cheese tortellini. 

Enter my T crush. I noticed him my first week commuting on the train and have looked forward to glimpses of him ever since. He's well dressed (Holy Ralph Lauren!), has beautiful dirty blonde curls, dark mysterious eyes, and once held open the crazy T doors for a little old man trying to get off (so cute!). 

I don't see him every day and, in fact, hadn't for awhile until yesterday. As I fought my way on the train after work I stumbled (literally) into the middle car only to find him sitting handsomely across from me and two seats down.What a rush.

I tried to remain completely nonchalant while I took in his glorious curls and wondered what he was so busily tapping on his smart phone. 

And then. we had a moment. 
It was brief, but so much was said (I mean, with our eyes)

Him: Oh, hey I recognize you. umm, why is the T so crowded today
Me: Ummm. I like you hair. and your shoes. and your Puma bag. Also, you have really nice hands (I'm a hand girl) and I sort of wish I knew your name but not really because it might be something boring and would totally ruin this moment for me. I wouldn't mind the T being crowded if I was pressed up against you and your sexy leather jacket. . .

(clearly, I'm a fast eye talker and can get a lot in with just a split second glance)

Then, the T lurched to an incremental start and we slumped into a light T slumber, groggily opening our eyes once we reached above ground to keep an eye our for our respective stops. 

until tomorrow T crush. . .until tomorrow

PS regulars: tomorrow will also bring another VLOG! I figured you wouldn't sit still long enough for this lengthy post and a VLOG :)

1 comment:

  1. I have ridden on the T five times. Two of those times I have been hit on by a female. That accounts for about 50% of the times I've been hit on in my entire life. What is it about the T? Is it the lighting? Anyway, I'm riding it again tomorrow so I should probably bring my A game. Blue hoodie and Timberlands.

    I had a crush like this at UMass. She was in one of my classes freshman year and then I would see her around campus from time to time. She smoked, and for some reason I thought that was great. Then my senior year she sat next to me in the Bartlett lobby and asked , "Didn't we have a class together?" And we ended up having a nice little chat. At the end of it she let me know that she had to meet her boyfriend for something. Whatevs. I got my closure.
