Tuesday, November 23, 2010

cheeks cheeks cheeks

 I nixed VLogging today. There just aren't enough hours in the day to work, eat dinner, have guests, and make a fool out of yourself on camera and post it on your blog for the world to see. whew.

But all that craziness can't stop me from giving thanks! Today I'm thankful for 
OK, that might sound a little creepy. But, seriously, babies make my heart so happy. They're beautiful, amazing beings, and they smell so dang good. I hope to be lucky enough to be a mother of lots of little ones one day, but until then, I'm just thankful other people are poppin' 'em out!

 In fact, I was just at a baby shower this weekend for a friend, and was bursting with happiness that she is soon to be a momma. It's such a blessing!

This little girl in particular, the daughter of one of the woman whose blog I read (you can see it here) literally makes me tear up sometimes with how cute she is and can we talk about those cheeks.

I'm all weak at the knees. Man, do babies slay me :)

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