It's hard to accept that Labor Day Weekend is basically over. I've never been specifically attached to this holiday. I mean, it's great and all, but it's no Thanksgiving.
Labor Day Weekend 2010, however, was one of the most superb weekends of my summer. And thus, I'm sad to see it go.
This weekend began late Friday afternoon. My roommate picked me up directly from work and we fought the traffic and hurricane Earl (hah!) to head to Amherst. A fun filled evening gave way to the best day of my best summer weekend.
Saturday morning a group of friends and I packed up and headed to the most glorious secluded location along the CT River. Based on the limited number of people that passed through, I'd say it's a pretty well kept secret, and I have no intentions of spreading word of its where-a-bouts!It was like being alone on a perfect secluded island.

We were also able to canoe down a ways and enjoy a fabulous rope swing. Actually, let me rephrase: some of us enjoyed the rope swing.
You had to know there was a story here!
and so we begin. . .
I've never actually done a rope swing. And despite being a little hesitant I decided to give it a try, but definitely not as high up on the ledge you were supposed to jump from. Down farther closer to the ground.
In a move bolder than I expected of myself, I grabbed the rope, hiked up and went for it. Except it was a little more challenging than I realized. I was, after all, close to the ground.
You know what happens next. First my left leg/knee slammed into the ground and I began skidding across the water and ground. I let go of the rope only to smash my left hand into the ground and face plant into the water.
You know that awful stinging/numbing feeling you get if you belly flop or just hit water really hard? That was the entire left side of my body. and my right leg.
I hit the water so hard my contacts flipped inside out.
It hurt like a son-of-a-gun. And I did NOT try the rope swing again!
I still can't even kneel without being in severe pain, but no matter. I'm over it! My botched rope swing attempt didn't stop the rest of our days fun.

The weekend concluded with lots of shopping for new job clothes (I start tomorrow!) and a glorious day today at Nahant beach. Well, semi-glorious anyway. The water was freezing and after a painful dip in the frigid water my friend and I hightailed it back to the warmth of our blanket, and the hilarious background noise of the intense bocce ball players who nearly came to blows over a throw!
And so the weekend comes to a close. How fitting that I would begin my new job the day after labor day. How fitting indeed.

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