Thursday, September 2, 2010


That's right, you read me correctly. Footle.

Several weeks ago, a friend told me about this fantastic word, and I've been simply dying to use it ever since, and still haven't found my moment.

"Surely, you must be joking," you think.

And you would be wrong. Footle is indeed a real word, which means:

v. to talk or act in a foolish or silly way
n. nonsense; foolishness; silliness

Most of you probably know that I have an incredible love for words. Hearing them, using them, reading them. Particularly, I love discovering and using big, crazy words.

Basically, I'm just waiting for the day when I can tell someone to, "stop footling around!"

What is the point of this ridiculous post, you wonder? Well, there isn't one. Except that this funny word just makes me smile (and sometimes giggle) and I thought it might make you smile too.

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