surrounded by boxes AHH!_____my packing partner, clearly a big help
One day, several months ago right after Partner had moved back into the house with The Writer, I arrived on Thursday (The Writer isn't home on Thursday's but I used to go in anyway and clean the house) to find Partner leaving for work. Upon entering the house, I noticed that it smelled strongly of pot.
Surely not, I thought. I'm imagining things, or Partner just smokes some really nasty brand of cigarettes.
And for several months, no more smell. So I assumed it was a fluke.
Then, a few weeks ago, I ran down the basement to grab something for The Writer and again could smell pot. Partner had been down there before me, but only for a few minutes, hardly enough time to smoke a blunt, bowl, etc. (whatever you do when you smoke pot)
Must be something to do with the oil tank, I concluded. Since oil tanks obviously, often smell like pot.
Today, after returning home from a look-see at a place for rent-OH YEA, the move is postponed AGAIN-The Writer says to me, "Well, at least we know they won't be averse to [Partner's] occasionally pot smoking.
I guess I was right. Not that it particularly matters, and maybe this is ageist, but I guess I just don't think of recreational pot smoking as something people in their early fifties should be engaging in. Maybe I'm just too judgmental, but at least now I know I'm not crazy. . .

Since I don't post on the weekends usually, I want to take this opportunity to wish a HUGE
to my darling younger sister, Miss Em.
On Sunday, she will turn 18 years old. This makes me both very happy and very sad. Happy because she growing up into such a lovely lady, and sad because she's no longer my chubby little sister who makes sweet homemade birthday cards and thinks Jump 5 is the coolest band EVER.
In honor of this most auspicious occasion here are my 5 of my favorite things about my baby sis
5. She has glorious porcelain skin
4. She has a great sense of humor, and also understands my sense of humor (a rare thing!)
3. We can have entire conversations without actually speaking a word
2. Her fashion sense is killer, she always looks incredibly fabulous, thereby putting me to shame (but I still love it)
1. She's not just my sister, she's my friend
sisterface and I before we became our glamorous selves.
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