Suddenly, a loud noise screeches from the stairs. The Writer appears at the door and flings into the room. The girl curls lower over the computer trying to ignore the commotion, to no avail.
Writer: "Did you get started on the newsletter for this months events?"
Girl: Yes that's what I've been doing for the last hour, like we talked about.
Writer: Oh! Let me see!
The Writer leans over the girl, then growing uncomfortable pulls up a chair and pushes girl half out of the way.
Writer: Hmmm, ok. I don't think I really like this. Can we put this quote at the top? Oh and why are the margins so small? Can you move those, or let me just. . .
Sighing girl starts using the cursor pad on the laptop to make the changes. Simultaneously, The Writer reaches over to commandeer the mouse and starts making the changes too.
Girl: Wait, can you not do that I'm trying to make the changes.
Writer: Oh, right. I'm just trying to scroll up too.
Girl: Ok, well just tell me what you want and I'll move it. We can't both be trying to move the cursor
After agreeing, The Writer ignore the requests and continues to use the mouse as Girl tries to use the laptop control. Growing frustrated, Girl nonchalantly reaches around the computer and unplugs the mouse from the computer.
Writer: What the F$%@? Why did this stop working all of a sudden??
Girl: That's so weird I don't know! I guess I'll just use the cursor control on the computer and just tell me what you want to do
Fade lighting with The Writer smacking mouse against the desk. Girl is sitting a little bit straighter.

Tonight is night 2 of Passover. And while I'm not Jewish, let me just say that I love passover. Passover celebrates the Hebrews escaping enslavement form Egypt. Last year, I went to my friend Bonnie's house for Seder and had a wonderful time with her family: reading, singing, and talking about the history of Jews and their survival. It was a beautiful night, made all the better by the loads of Charoset (a delicious traditional seder food). I wish more non-Jews could appreciate the amazing tradition of Jewish holidays. This year, unfortunately, is the first year I will not be able to enjoy Seder with my Jewish friends
(despite being invited to two) in probably 3ish years.
I'm sad that I will not be able to celebrate this year, but I wish a happy Passover to all of those celebrating!
Another reason, I like passover, it happens around the same time as EASTER, usually. One of my FAVORITE holidays!

Tonight is night 2 of Passover. And while I'm not Jewish, let me just say that I love passover. Passover celebrates the Hebrews escaping enslavement form Egypt. Last year, I went to my friend Bonnie's house for Seder and had a wonderful time with her family: reading, singing, and talking about the history of Jews and their survival. It was a beautiful night, made all the better by the loads of Charoset (a delicious traditional seder food). I wish more non-Jews could appreciate the amazing tradition of Jewish holidays. This year, unfortunately, is the first year I will not be able to enjoy Seder with my Jewish friends
(despite being invited to two) in probably 3ish years.
I'm sad that I will not be able to celebrate this year, but I wish a happy Passover to all of those celebrating!
Another reason, I like passover, it happens around the same time as EASTER, usually. One of my FAVORITE holidays!