Thursday, June 7, 2012

Here's the Scoop!

Today some coworker friends and I decided to hit up The Scooper Bowl during our lunch hour. The Scooper Bowl is a wildly popular fundraiser put on by the Jimmy Fund every year in downtown Boston.  Several ice cream vendors set up shop and for $10 it's an all-you-can-eat ice cream bonanza (a.k.a. heaven on earth). It's a little ironic that the fundraiser organizers would choose to fight one American problem (childhood cancer) while aiding the spread of another (obesity) but this isn't that kind of blog. Also, I love ice cream too much to think too deeply about that.

Some of you may recall the havoc an overindulgence in this frosty treat has unleashed on my life in the past. If you don’t, you can read about it here. The fact of the matter is, I might be slightly intolerant of that pesky little thing called lactose, ice cream might have this strange soporific effect on me, and I might ignore both of those things because if I have to live a life without ice cream, I don't want to live.

Enter the Scooper Bowl.

Lemon Poppyseed ice cream from SoCo Creamery (a local place!) stole the show this year, in my opinion. So light, fresh, and absolutely amazing!

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