Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Day the Earth Stood Still

Today was one of those days. I was stepping on the T this morning and realized that my phone was sitting on my nightstand where I'd left it to charge a little earlier.

Upon arriving phone-less at work, I got an upsetting (work related) e-mail. Determined not to let the day go completely down hill, I headed down stairs  to toast my morning bagel thin. Our office provides us with bagels and toppings everday but I mostly try to eat these thin little wheat ones from home. Whilst jawing with a coworker about the annoying e-mail situation I burned my bagel thin to a smoking, smoldering crisp in our constantly malfunctioning toaster. It was over. Day done.

Except not, because I still had another nine hours of work and travel until I could get my phone back. Have you ever left your phone somewhere for a day? It's excruciating. I kept reaching for it only to have my hand fall empty onto my post its. I thought of a million things I needed to look up RIGHT THEN, and e-mailed a few people in case they'd tried to text or alert me of an emergency and I didn't reply.

No facebook, no words with friends, no googling how old Will Smith's son is. It was a dark day. But it did get me thinking. How insane that only six or seven years ago I didn't have a cell phone. I borrowed my mom's when I was driving my (then) new car farther than down the road. And when I did get one, I couldn't fathom I would one day be googling what the time limit for boil-cleaning a toothbrush is at work while pretending to be documenting medical records (this never actually happened so I don't know the answer. I always just use the dishwasher). Here we are, however, and as much as I loathe the way people are all glued to their phones, it seems I am too.

Not today, though. And if I'd had my phone, I could have researched how to get the smell of burned whole wheat bagel thin out of my hair.

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