A few months ago, some friends and I decided that, this year, instead of just talking about getting all gussied up and going out dancing or something on New Year's Eve, we'd actually do it.
We settled on the Resolution Ball at Boston's Seaport Hotel, pegged as "the premier New Year's Eve party in Boston"
I was a little concerned when we arrived and were overwhelmed by a smell something akin to Cheese Whiz in the coat check lobby. It soon faded, however, as we headed in for our first drinks and to check out the enormous function room.
We danced, we sang, we drank champagne and rang in the new year with all the cliche revelry one might expect. And while I had a blast and loved my sparkly dress, I came to the same conclusion I come to every year: Whether you're home on the couch or crammed on a dance floor counting down with half of Boston and The Felix Brown Band, New Year's Eve is pretty over-rated. No matter how great it is (and it was pretty great this year!), it always seems like it should be greater, because it's a new year. But really it's just another midnight, which I've seen more than one of in my short life.
However, because I'm me, and life enjoys more than it's share of good laughs at my expense--the night ended with just a little more excitement than planned.
Somewhere around 1:30 AM, one of my fellow party goers and I decided we'd head to catch the T, in order to save some cab fare. She was tired from a night in heels, and I was jacket-less, but we figured we'd catch a quick cab ride to the T station and get home from there.
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We didn't account for the fact that it was New Year's Eve and everyone and their brother (literally) was out trying to flag down cabs. Worried we'd miss the final trains and have to take a cab all the way home, we began walking the mile to the nearest station. Hannah limped along in her heels while I tried to warm myself with some mind over matter tricks (it didn't work). We ended up walking all the way to the T, but thankfully made what I think were some of the last trains. Ridiculous? Yes. But you better believe that's probably the only hype from this New Year celebration that I'll remember!
Love the pictures! Sounds so much fun! ~Jenna