For a long time now it's been a joke amongst many of my friends that I am completely incapable of leaving a concise voicemail about anything. I don't really know what it is that happens in my brain, but everytime I call someone and the automated woman starts blabbing about the directions for leaving voicemails I get distracted, and then I hear the beep (sometimes; Other times I don't and then awkwardly stay on the line for a minute deciding if it beeped yet) my brain goes totally blank. Nothing. Often so much so that I don't even remember who I'm calling.
I try to collect myself quickly and move on, but that initial few seconds is crucial and throws off my game. Thus, my voicemails are an amalgam of random thoughts, stream of conscious ramblings, and maybe, occasionally, the point of why I'm calling.
The worst though, is the dreaded finale. I absolutely am terrible at ending things. Conversations, emails, and messages. I feel like there should be something profound or definite, perhaps. But whatever it is, I end with various trite statements, sometimes repeated over. "So, umm yea, I umm hope you're doing well (for the 5th time) and I hope you have a great week (again) and uhhh, yea justgivemeacallkthanksbye."
It never occurred to me when I started working at my job here in Boston, that the days would come when I'd have to be dealing with people on the phone. And, more specifically, leaving them detailed messages. Quelle horreur!
Blessedly, I've suffered through months of awkward messages, returned calls, and the like without out too much drama. Sure, I still began every conversation in a sort of hurried, rushed explosion of what I need that the person usually asks me to repeat a few times but, for sure, I'm improving.
Until today, when I apparently took about 50 steps back. I was calling a woman to give her details of some transportation I'd arranged for her. She usually answers, but didn't this time, so when the message tone beeped, I rambled off all the details. As usual, the end came but I couldn't seem to gracefully extricate myself. So, I chose this classic ending.
"Soo, I hope you're well. . . aaaaand. . .bye."
word for word.
First, I'm hoping that "aaand" didn't last long as it seemed in that moment. 'Cuz in the moment it was really long.
But most ridiculous: "I hope you're well"? Do I really hope that? Because I have never actually met you and the extent of our relationship is me calling you with times a taxi is going to show up at your house. But, you know, call me up sometime. Let's chat.
I hate voicemail. I really hate it when people leave me a voicemail. I have no voicemail greeting to discourage them, but sometimes they still do it! Don't ever leave me a voicemail.