Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What a Pain

You know when you have those little moments of hypochondria randomly?

No? Just me? OK. . .

Well, a few days ago, I awoke with a strange pain in my side for no apparent reason. Now, truth be told, I'm no stranger to strange pains. I mean, don't we all have crazy pains all the time? Just our body doing whatever it does, I s'pose.

This one was a little more persistent though, until Tuesday morning arrived and it had grown to more than just a little annoyance into something I definitely couldn't ignore.

So I did what any good little office worker does when feeling ill: dropped the work I was doing and hopped on WebMD to self diagnose myself with any number of horrifying diseases related to hip/low back pain. 

Mostly, though the verdict was not too terrible and I came up with the possibility that I might have kidney stones. The pain was different, it seemed, than a mere muscle strain. I placed a call to my sister for a confirmation of my diagnosis and moved on. Not much to do for Kstones but wait. 

Midway through the day, though, I had a brief panic moment, whereby I began to wonder what it felt like to have appendicitis. Another quick perusal of WebMD calmed my fears given that my pain was on the wrong side and I wasn't keeled over vomitting and wishing I was dead. 

Fears allayed, I went about my day, downed enormous amounts of water (supposed to help with kidney stones) and even powered through my evening work out. 

Then, this morning dawned bright and crisp and oh was I in pain.
Pain as in, I pulled a muscle and overdiagnosed myself via WebMD on a slow day at work and then went hoofing up hills for exercise the night before and made everything much, much worse. You know, that kind of pain.

I imagine myself to have a pretty high pain tolerance and really dislike taking pain meds, so I slogged through the day, even when around lunch time the pain was so bad I started to cry a little. A good limp around the office and laying in the soft grass outside on lunch break seemed to bring some peace and I made it through. Barely.

 As I write this I'm laid up on the couch in my living room where I've been for several hours in the only position that doesn't hurt. I also caved at the recommendation of my roommate and took something for the inflammation and pain. Good grief. Leave it to me to be struck down by some pulled muscle I got doing God knows what (nothing seems to have triggered it).

All I have to say is, I'm going on vacation this weekend so my back better buck up and get on with it. I don't have time for this. . .

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