Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Graduation Day!

Today the baby of my family, my little brother Tim is graduating highschool!

In some ways, I feel like we're all so old now that it's crazy he's only just now graduating, but in more ways I can't believe my little Eskimo baby (inside joke!) is heading out into the great big world, and he's not even 18 yet! In fact, my computer screen is blurred right now as I get a little teary eyed just thinking about it. 

I can still remember when he was born. I was 6 and I recall going to the hospital and having to hold him on a pillow because he was so big (he was a 10+ pounder). His head was all bruised purple, but he was just about the cutest thing I'd ever scene, or at least tied with our year and a half old sister. 

Tim is by far the quietest of the bunch which is really no surprise given his three chatty, loud older sisters, but it has been fun to watch him grow into a teenager and develop his own unique personality, and hilarious sense of humor. He'll be headed off to college this fall, and even though he's not one for gushy sisterly displays and probably never reads my blog, I still want to say:  
I'm so proud of you, Tim! Congratulations, you made it through!

Also, your sisters and mother will be forcing you to take copious amounts of pictures in your cap in gown tonight before you even get to the school. . .deal with it.
Lest there was ever any doubt as to whether I was a style icon, even as a child, I think this picture makes it clear. I was.

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