Monday, March 7, 2011

If you can't stand the heat. . .

There is nothing quite so satisfying to me as the decadent smell of something amazing baking in the oven. Especially when I know that I'm the one that made it! If I could bake something every day, I think I would be the happiest girl this side of the Charles. Or maybe even the Mississippi (remember when we used to race and see who could spell ippississiM backwards the fastest. I rocked that game. . .)

Presently the smell wafting from my oven is that of a new cookie I'm trying. 
It's a peanut butter and blackberry jam cookie with a little chocolate thrown in to sweeten up the deal. I'm beyond excited because the buzzer just went off and here's the finished product:

(oh. my. gosh.)

I love the idea of this cookie, because peanut butter and jelly is probably one of the most nationally recognized comfort foods in America. And now it's going to be in cookie form. swoon. And covered in sugar. double swoon.

I'm making these little goodies for a dinner at my place tomorrow, but I'm definitely going to have to dip in for a taste test tonight!

And the kitchen fun doesn't stop there. I'll be breaking out my beloved crock pot and prepping a taco soup I'm throwing together, that I'm also kind of pumped for. 

oh my, if cooking and baking the night away doesn't beat all!

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