I'm really interested in cultures that eat a lot of bugs, and have tried a few myself, as I have many friends globe trotting around and bringing me back these little "treats."
Last fall, a friend from Thailand brought me back some bamboo worms which I tried. . .and they were disgusting.
Clearly, this didn't deter me from round 2, this time with crickets! Last night, Lauren came over to hang out and see my new place in Boston, and brought with her some juicy little crickets.

So . . . after selecting what seemed like a good cricket (really, how does one even tell that sort of thing?) I sucked it up and popped it in my mouth

In a few mere seconds, it was all over. After washing it down with a glass of water, it was like it never even happened. Although, despite my friends urgings, I decided against going back for seconds. . .
i would have gagged if i were there watching.