Sometime around 7 AM this morning, I awoke (Despite it being an hour early than my normal start) and began one of the most stressful and unexpected days I've had in awhile.
8:15 AM: Head out the door and hop into my car to meet my dad a state away to take care of some title business with my car
8:16 AM: Breathe a sigh of relief as my car seems to start without problems. Betsy (car) has been quite sick lately, and I was worried she wasn't going to make it.
9:00AM: Meet Dad outside the DMV, sail through the first line (to our shock) and sit down to wait for our number to be called
9:20 AM: Realize that Dad forgot the new insurance card for me; meaning we might run into some problems
9:25 AM: Get out number called, head over only to be shortly rejected by the DMV employees because of said insurance card
9:30AM: Both Dad and I are kind of irritated, but we head out and I ask him to listen to Betsy and see if he can diagnose the problem. He checks it out, and we organize a time for me to take her to Dad's mechanic. He agrees she doesn't sound too good. I head home praying the whole way that I make it.
10:45AM: Home on the couch thinking about what to do that day, I get a call from Dad. After describing the problem to his mechanic, it appears that some valve on my car is sticking, and it it's not fixed, my engine will flood or something and be completely shot. This repair is outrageously expensive (NOT as expensive as having a new engine put in, however. That would cost more than my car is even worth!) and needs to be done immediately to save the car.
11:00AM: Hop back in my dying car and head BACK the way I just came, except even further this time. The entire time, I attempted to control a burgeoning panic attack and drive while crying (which you should NEVER do) because car problems are the most stressful thing I can think of.
12:30AM: Drop car off at mechanic. Hitch a ride with Dad back home. I am now carless and stressed, and oh, yea! I'm moving in 11 days!
Thankfully, I have lovely, wonderful roommates who are letting me use their cars to get to work. Oh where would I be without them??
8:15 AM: Head out the door and hop into my car to meet my dad a state away to take care of some title business with my car
8:16 AM: Breathe a sigh of relief as my car seems to start without problems. Betsy (car) has been quite sick lately, and I was worried she wasn't going to make it.
9:00AM: Meet Dad outside the DMV, sail through the first line (to our shock) and sit down to wait for our number to be called
9:20 AM: Realize that Dad forgot the new insurance card for me; meaning we might run into some problems
9:25 AM: Get out number called, head over only to be shortly rejected by the DMV employees because of said insurance card
9:30AM: Both Dad and I are kind of irritated, but we head out and I ask him to listen to Betsy and see if he can diagnose the problem. He checks it out, and we organize a time for me to take her to Dad's mechanic. He agrees she doesn't sound too good. I head home praying the whole way that I make it.
10:45AM: Home on the couch thinking about what to do that day, I get a call from Dad. After describing the problem to his mechanic, it appears that some valve on my car is sticking, and it it's not fixed, my engine will flood or something and be completely shot. This repair is outrageously expensive (NOT as expensive as having a new engine put in, however. That would cost more than my car is even worth!) and needs to be done immediately to save the car.
11:00AM: Hop back in my dying car and head BACK the way I just came, except even further this time. The entire time, I attempted to control a burgeoning panic attack and drive while crying (which you should NEVER do) because car problems are the most stressful thing I can think of.
12:30AM: Drop car off at mechanic. Hitch a ride with Dad back home. I am now carless and stressed, and oh, yea! I'm moving in 11 days!
Thankfully, I have lovely, wonderful roommates who are letting me use their cars to get to work. Oh where would I be without them??
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