Before I even get into anything about work, let me share this photo, that I took horribly with my phone! In case you can't tell, it's clean, white laundry blowing in the cool summery breeze and smelling so glorious words can't describe it!
I'm so happy that summer is arriving. . .

I think I'll just dive right in today. The Writer has some mysterious rash covering her entire body. Apparently, this prompted a major breakdown yesterday (thank God I wasn't present for that!) and today she was going on, in VERY intimate detail about this rash business.
Thankfully, she went to her doctor to have it checked out and although he doesn't know what it is really, he believes that it's not contagious.
It better not be.
Also, her doctor apparently recommended she throw out all of her generic soaps, detergents, etc. and start buying unscented, all-natural products. Now, I'm as big a fan of reducing my carbon footprint as the next person, but seriously do these people not realize what they do when they issue these instructions to The Writer. She's in a total uproar about the situation because if you'll recall she's a bit of hoarder. Her specialty besides clothes. . . toiletries. So basically, she won't be getting rid of a darn thing, just trying to cram more stuff into the already bursting house. Great.
On the bright side, The Writer is not turning into some sort of nudist as I feared last week with all of the non-wearing of clothes/leaving bathroom doors opening going on. My apprehension was laid to rest when I arrived to find her fully clothed, and when the bathroom door was kept closed every time she used it.
If you have never heard of him and you enjoy acoustic artists, you need to check out Joe Purdy. He has the most peaceful, folky voice. I always listen to him when I'm in Panera (like I am now. No internet at my summer home yet!).
Try out:
He Said, She said
Isn't Love
I Love the Rain the Most
Thankfully, she went to her doctor to have it checked out and although he doesn't know what it is really, he believes that it's not contagious.
It better not be.
Also, her doctor apparently recommended she throw out all of her generic soaps, detergents, etc. and start buying unscented, all-natural products. Now, I'm as big a fan of reducing my carbon footprint as the next person, but seriously do these people not realize what they do when they issue these instructions to The Writer. She's in a total uproar about the situation because if you'll recall she's a bit of hoarder. Her specialty besides clothes. . . toiletries. So basically, she won't be getting rid of a darn thing, just trying to cram more stuff into the already bursting house. Great.
On the bright side, The Writer is not turning into some sort of nudist as I feared last week with all of the non-wearing of clothes/leaving bathroom doors opening going on. My apprehension was laid to rest when I arrived to find her fully clothed, and when the bathroom door was kept closed every time she used it.
If you have never heard of him and you enjoy acoustic artists, you need to check out Joe Purdy. He has the most peaceful, folky voice. I always listen to him when I'm in Panera (like I am now. No internet at my summer home yet!).
Try out:
He Said, She said
Isn't Love
I Love the Rain the Most
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